Thermocouple Input

The most common measurement in data acquisition systems is temperature. The most commonly used sensor in temperature measurement is the thermocouple (TC). UEI provides a variety of thermocouple measurement boards compatible with our PowerDNA cube. In addition to the measurement boards, we also provide screw terminal connectivity panels that provide the high quality Cold-Junction temperature sensing required to make an accurate thermocouple measurement.

Software included with the PowerDNA performs linearization for all common TCs as well as cold-junction compensation. Users may choose to automatically receive data in either °C or °F. Users of non-standard TCs, or those who do not wish to utilize the built-in linearization routines, may also have data returned in Volts.

Designed: Hien Dai Hoa Jsc

lien ke van Canh HUD, du an van canh HUD, biet thu van Canh Hud, du an GELEXIMCO, du an cua HUD, biet thu tay nam linh dam, du an tay nam Linh Dam, du an xuan ngoc xuan phuong, biet thu xuan ngoc xuan phuong, lien ke xuan phuong xuan ngoc, du an TASCO, biet thu nam an khanh, du an nam an khanh sudico, lien ke nam an khanh sudico , biet thu nam an khanh sudico, du an nam an khanh, tranh tuong