· Là máy phân tích thành phần kim loại theo phương pháp quang phổ bằng công nghệ CCD hàng đầu hiện nay
· Tốc độ phân tích nhanh
· Màn hình LCD cảm ứng
· Chạy trên phần mềm chuyên dụng SPARCS của chính hãng Arun
· Đánh tia lửa điện trong môi trường khí Argon hoặc không khí
· Dải phân tích rộng, tạo khả năng ứng dụng rộng rãi trong phân loại các mẫu kim loại khác nhau
· Nhờ thiết kế nhỏ gọn và mang tính lưu động cao, Metalscan 3000 hoàn toàn thích hợp cho công tác kiểm định và phân tích sơ bộ các hợp kim
· Metalscan 3000 cũng được phát triển khả năng phân tích nhanh, dải phân tích rộng với nhiều nguyên tố trên nhiều nền kim loại.
· Với Metalscan 3000 chỉ cần lựa chọn chương trình phân tích thích hợp cho mỗi nền kim loại mà không cần thay đổi phần cứng Phát triển từ seri M3010, hiện phiên bản mới nhất M3060 là thiết bị tích hợp hoàn chỉnh với màn hình cảm ứng LCD và dải phân tích đầy đủ
METALSCAN 3000 Series Light-weight portable spectrometer for on-site work PMI, Grade Identification, Semi-Quantitative, Full Quantitative Analysis Robust, high performance, yet simple to use Available with arc in air, spark in argon, or both types of excitation Available with carbon determination to sort ‘L’ and ‘non L’ stainless grades Colour touch screen operation, integral printer Plasma display built into pistol Arun’s well established SPARCS software
The Metalscan 3000 series is a range of portable metals analysers, designed to give various levels of analytical performance on site, in an easy to use package. Like the other Arun products, the Metalscan M3000 series uses advanced CCD detector array technology to provide extreme flexibility.
All versions can be supplied as a single base or a multiple base use, with either standard or special calibrations using the same hardware.
If Carbon is not a requirement in the analysis, for example for non ferrous metals or even ferrous materials where carbon is not an important identifying element, then the 3010/3020/3030 models apply.
The Metalscan M3010 uses arc excitation in air to provide grade identification, positive material identification (PMI) and semi quantitative analysis of all types of metals. Restandardisation is not required and there are no setting up samples required nor supplied. The sample surface can be rough and even oxidised so preparation is not required. An extensive range of standard calibrations is available in all the common metal bases.
The Metalscan M3020 uses spark excitation in an argon atmosphere to provide grade identification, positive material identification and full quantitative analysis of all types of metals. A clean, flat surface is required and setting up samples are provided with each calibration for periodic restandardisation. An extensive range of standard calibrations is available in all the common metal bases.
The Metalscan M3030 has both types of excitation included so that it can operate simply in a semi quantitative analytical mode without argon or the need for sample preparation or alternatively in a full quantitative mode with argon gas and some preparation. It only takes a few minutes to change form one mode to the other.
If Carbon is required – for example for differentiating between 316 and 316L stainless steel grades, then the 3040/3050/3060 models apply. All three models can of course be single base Ferrous or multibase with all the other common materials such as Copper Alloys, Aluminium Alloys, Magnesium Alloys, Zinc Alloys, Cobalt, Titanium, Lead, Tin etc.
The Metalscan M3040 uses arc excitation in air to provide grade identification, positive material identification (PMI) and semi quantitative analysis of all types of metals. Restandardisation is not needed and there are no setting up samples required nor supplied. The sample surface can be rough and even oxidised so preparation is not required. An extensive range of standard calibrations is available in all the common metal bases.
The Metalscan M3050 uses spark excitation in an argon atmosphere to provide grade identification, positive material identification and full quantitative analysis of all types of metals. A clean flat sample surface is required and setting up samples are provided with each calibration for periodic restandardisation. An extensive range of standard calibrations is available in all the common metal bases.
The Metalscan M3060 has both types of excitation included so that it can operate simply in a semi quantitative analytical mode without argon or the need for sample preparation or alternatively in a full quantitative mode with argon gas and some preparation. It only takes a few minutes to change form one mode to the other.
A full range of accessories including trolleys, battery packs and small sample adaptors is available for the Metalscan M3000 products.