Thiết bị LASER Monochromator / Spectrograph MS350 SeriesThiết bị LASER Spectrometer S150-2 Series
Thiết bị LASER  Monochromator / Spectrograph MS750 Series
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Thiết bị LASER Monochromator / Spectrograph MS750 Series

Monochromator / Spectrograph MS750 Series is an F/8,9 instrument with a focal length of 750 mm.
The optics in the Models MS7501i and MS7504i are corrected for astigmatism to enable the use of the instruments in multi-track spectroscopy as well as operation with low-light sources in Emission, Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy.
Models MS7501, MS7501i use one easy-changeable or fixed grating,
Models MS7504, MS7504i use a four-grating turret to provide automatic grating switching.


  • Complete computer control
  • Four-grating turret (for MS7504 and MS7504i)
    with automatic grating switching
  • Low stray light and no re-entrant spectra
  • Continuously automatically or manually
    variable slits
  • Two flat field output ports with automatic port
    switching allow simultaneous mounting
    of different detectors
  • Original software Win’9x/ME/2000/XP


  • UV to IR measurement
  • Emission, Fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy
  • Absorption and Transmission
  • Multi-track Spectroscopy (CCD and CID) -
    with Models MS7501i and MS7504i

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Designed: Hien Dai Hoa Jsc

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