Slide type automatic doorSlide type automatic door
Slide type automatic door
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Slide type automatic door

Under normal conditions,
just sliding automatic door
but in case of necessity,
double size full opening is available.

  • Under normal conditions, it is just sliding door.
  • Best suited in the event that requires temporary heavy traffic, large load in

Type Single sliding Double sliding
Applicable door weight 20~70kg 20~70kg×2
Applicable door width 730~1,219mm
Operator length 2,000mm、2,400mm 2,000mm×2、4,800mm
Transom section 170X100mm
Opening speed 100~650mm/s
Closing speed 100~500mm/s
Open time 0.1~10s
Manual force(at power failure) 60N or less
Power source/consumption 100V AC ±10% 50/60Hz 100W under operation
Driving method Hetero polar DC brush less motor, timing belt driving
Control method Microcomputer servo control
Auxiliary safety operation Reverse or stop by detection of collision.
Installed auxiliary sensor circuit(1 beam)
Operator Dimensions

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Designed: Hien Dai Hoa Jsc

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